I completed Scrum Master certification in June. My current employer is not interested in applying it.
I've attended several Agile Philly & Agile PA meetings.
Do you have any suggestions on landing a position in an Agile shop, preferably in a Scrum Master role? I have over 20 years as a Business Systems Analyst and have done some programming.
Seeking new opp in Eastern Montgomery or Bucks County
Check out our hosting companies: iPipeline, Frontline Technologies, VertexInc, Reed Technologies, Cerner/Seimens, Comcast, CHOP, Thomson Reuters . . . . and our many food sponsors, too. They are companies that believe in Agile methodologies, and they usually "Require" Agile be on the resumes - and in the lifeblood - of their hiring candidates.
Come out to AgilePhilly meetings, both downtown and western suburbs to meet the people of those companies and see their facilities and hear their growth plans. Last night we got to see a fun promotional video about iPipeline.
The other thing that you will get from our meetings is when mingling with other Agile Practioners over pizza, you will hear about even more companies and what they are doing. For we are all in the same boat - we believe that there is a better way to do software development and that thinking and talking in Agile terms gets us to that better place to build software. It may not be perfect, but it is a far sight better than what has been done for 20 years. ( And after all, it is a lot of common sense practices that we have to re-inforce to make them habits that stick.)
Also, volunteer to speak on a subject. Or go to a downtown meeting and practice facilitating a group discussion.
And attend talks by other technical groups in your area. We would like to do more joint meetings and have more crosspostings on our site, too. We even have a special PB&J category for these, because we think Philly, Bucks County and Jersey are often under-represented in our Agile community. Start your own meetup or evening meeting - of any technical persuasion. Even host a technical meeting at your current company, and you can slip in agile terminology, practice facilitating and stand up speaking. Those early birds who show up, and those who are involved . . . are the ones who get the tasty worm.
Also, read a lot of posts at the many blogs out there, and subscribe to the various YahooGroups that have AgilePhilly in their name. If you find an article you like, write the author and say so. If they are on the east coast, invite them to present at one of our meetings. Many of them are quite generous with their time and like to come out to talk to groups like ours.
These suggestions may not be the concrete ones that you might want for your current dilemma. But they are what you should do if you want to really grow, and as we heard about last night - be happy in your work and in whatever company you are working at.
True, there are many companies that are not embracing Agile, for whatever reason - and that is their loss. Don't let it be yours too.
- John Voris, Coordinator
Great ideas. 4 firms are further than my current commute (90 mins). I've applied to Comcast, which is hiring, though a lot of contractors, CHOP and Reed.
Thomson Reuters has been reorganizing under new management since last Summer. A friend works there & they also announced they were recently sold and cutting back.
I listen in on a few LinkedIn Agile groups.
At AgilePhilly, we have been Promoting Agile Ideas since 1776
AgilePhilly is a not-for-profit user group of volunteers in the Philadelphia area dedicated to better software development practices.
Meetings are monthly. Get meeting reminders by joining here.
Our attempt with the group is to provide an environment where you can exchange ideas and meet with individuals involved in agile community.
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