Agile Philly

Committed to helping members build better software

All Events in Philadelphia (4)

October 24Tuesday

January 3Wednesday

  • T Rex Flash Mob of One

    January 3, 2018 all day – Philadelphia On Wednesday afternoon 01/03, there is going to be a Flash Mob Event of One.  UPDATE: LOVE PARK 12:30 PM today ( Weds ) The person who runs the @Steak-umm account on Twitter lost a bet, Organized by Steak-umm Frozen CheeseSteak | Type: a, normal, day

May 17Thursday

September 18Tuesday

  • Spit Causes Death

    September 18, 2018 all day – Philadelphia The city fathers promoted a parade in Philadelphia planned for Sept 28, 1918   It was discouraged by the Board of Health, and in the aftermath of the 200,000 Philadelphians participating, 2 Organized by the city fathers | Type: historical

Popular Event Types

July 2024
August 2024


At AgilePhilly, we have been Promoting Agile Ideas since 1776

AgilePhilly is a not-for-profit user group of volunteers in the Philadelphia area dedicated to better software development practices.


Meetings are monthly. Get meeting reminders by joining here.  

  • Our events are Free but you must RSVP.  We have Evening Meetings in the Western Suburbs, usually on the Third Tuesday.  They usually begin at 6:30 pm.  A sample agenda would be:
    • 6:30-7:00 pm: Eat & Greet & Network
    • 7:00-8:20 Main Topic/Speaker
    • 8:20-8:30 Q & A , Pack-Up, More Networking

  • Our Sponsors cover the cost of pizza / sandwiches for an evening.

Our attempt with the group is to provide an environment where you can exchange ideas and meet with individuals involved in agile community.

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