Agile Philly

Committed to helping members build better software

You can find literally hundreds of blog posts and articles on the Daily Standup, a.k.a. Daily Scrum. But there is little written about what often comes, or at least should come, after, the Daily Standup.

What, you may ask, should come after the Daily Standup? Well, the Almost Daily Sit-Downs of course!

To find out more about the Almost Daily Sit-Downs, check out my companies blog at...

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Comment by David A. Bulkin on October 6, 2009 at 10:26pm

I have been thinking about your post for almost a month now :)

Even after posting this article, I committed the sin of attempting to solve problems during the standup, it is just human nature. As such, a team need to mature to the point that everyone feels comfortable enough to chime in when someone is problem solving in the standup, or at least address it during the retrospective.

As far as using the card as a token, that could help, so I am interested in your experience and the experience of others along those lines.
Comment by John E. Mullaney on September 9, 2009 at 4:40pm
Its easy for a peer to say "Let's take it off line" when they aren't interested in more than a snippet of what their co-worker is reporting. But what about when its the Team Lead/Manager that starts to ramble. I've seen a brave soul or two suggest "maybe we can discuss that after..." What happens when the 'authority figure' retorts with "But this is really important..." Maybe 'task cards' should be handed out at the standup to be brought back and 'owned' at the pairing stations instead of left on 'the board'... Once the task card is in your hand, the discussion is over...
Comment by D. André Dhondt on September 8, 2009 at 2:55am
I love the terminology! I find that teams constantly regress to detailed discussions on their feet, and though we take turns suggesting we take it off-line, we're not always disciplined enough to say who will sit when.


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