Time: October 12, 2016 all day
Location: on-Line
Website or Map: https://attendee.gotowebinar.…
Event Type: webinar, tdd
Latest Activity: Sep 6, 2016
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Register at https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5252522452231523842
Sang Shin , the instructor of the on-line courses that are "pay what you can" and specializes in Java and other programming areas - - -
He is offering a one day TDD course
He does these FREE intro level online courses. It is often how he gains geedback on how to fine-tune his on-site courses.
His training company JPassion.com is going to offer 1-day TDD (Test Driven Development) To register for this
1-day codecamp as following. As always, auditing is free.
* Tue, Aug 30, 2016
* Time: 10:00AM-4:00PM ET (New York time)
* Registration:
* Pre-requisites: Some Java programming experience
More info from sangshinpassion@gmail.com
Practically Free 3 to 5 days Live, Hands-on, Online Codecamps on . . .
This is not an AgilePhilly Event. ( Our AgilePhilly Events have the blue Liberty Bell) This is put on by JPassion Training so we have no control of the timing. We did take into account the holiday Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur for the Monday AgileTour Half Day Conference in October.
Thanks for the update, Greg. Original Date Aug 30 now Weds Oct 12
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