Agile Philly

Committed to helping members build better software

Microsoft Code Camp in Philly is now a truly Agile Conference


The Microsoft Code Camp on Oct 15th will be having an Open Spaces Track.  In my mind, that brings a lot of new people around to the idea of Open Spaces during conferences.


Open Spaces - Jess Chadwick - Room 105

An open discussion forum lasting the entire day. The format is deliberately fluid, with the general flow consisting of: participants shout out topics to discuss, vote on a topic, discuss it for 10 minutes (or more... or less), and then pick a new topic. Rinse and repeat for an entire day of lively and intriguing group conversation!


And do not forget the Philly Alt Net group, led by our own Brian Donahue, moving the discussion forward for Agile Practices in the dot Net world. 

alt.NET - Brian Donahue - Room 141 Saturday Oct 15th


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At AgilePhilly, we have been Promoting Agile Ideas since 1776

AgilePhilly is a not-for-profit user group of volunteers in the Philadelphia area dedicated to better software development practices.


Meetings are monthly. Get meeting reminders by joining here.  

  • Our events are Free but you must RSVP.  We have Evening Meetings in the Western Suburbs, usually on the Third Tuesday.  They usually begin at 6:30 pm.  A sample agenda would be:
    • 6:30-7:00 pm: Eat & Greet & Network
    • 7:00-8:20 Main Topic/Speaker
    • 8:20-8:30 Q & A , Pack-Up, More Networking

  • Our Sponsors cover the cost of pizza / sandwiches for an evening.

Our attempt with the group is to provide an environment where you can exchange ideas and meet with individuals involved in agile community.

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