Agile Philly

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I was curious the techniques that people have done to make the standups more effective.  I have seen doing standups everyday some people are not as engaged as they should be.  Any thoughts out there to help make them effective everyday?

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Change the format, regularly. Avoid status updates--use a story wall or a big visible version of your electronic tracking system (projected on the wall, or on a large monitor) to communicate status instead.  Then focus on what decisions need to be made as a group.

Change the questions--try one of the following:

  • are we on target to finish this iteration on time?
  • what's important?
  • anyone want a second opinion on something they're working on?

There's a lot more... what do you think of these ideas so far?

I really like the idea of changing the questions to keep people thinking. 

  The status updates thing does seem to happen organically.  While a status on what they did is important, I am more interested in are they on target and what help they need from the team.


Keep the ideas coming.  Thanks

Ravi and I have a few slides on this topic that we could use for the "Intro to Agile" section of the upcoming event--Wed the 14th at Devry--are you going to be there?

Just as a teaser, our slides point out how a stand-up needs to be about connection--once people's attention starts to wander, there's a problem.  We also have worked with teams that use multiple stand-ups a day, since they can be great at reminding us to stop & look around at the team as well as the big picture.

Yeah, Jay let us know. Andre is probably going to share slides with you :)

And Martin Fowler posted this about Stand-ups just last month

I like the idea of the Improvement Board, but I could see where that would be a Futures-Wishlist is not policed and acted upon.




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    • 7:00-8:20 Main Topic/Speaker
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